Allen Avery


Allen Avery is a Sr. Recruiter with over 30 years of experience in corporate staffing. Allen is the past President of the United Methodist Men, North Texas Conference serving over 300 churches and a longtime member of St Luke “Community” UMC. Allen is also past Board chair of the ZWHJCOC. He is the founder and currently serves as an advisor for Boy Scouts of America Troop/Pack 914 and in 2011 had 3 congressional appointments. In 2013 Allen re-started BSA Pack 907 at the Dallas Bethlehem Center in South Dallas. Allen is a 2013 recipient of the Silver Beaver Award and 2014 Whitney M Young Jr. Service Award. These honors are the council-level distinguished adult service awards of the Boy Scouts of America. He has received numerous awards from St Luke “Community” United Methodist Church.  Allen has been married for 34 years with 2 children and one grandson.