Dr. Michael Bowie


Dr. Michael Bowie is the newly appointed visionary leader of St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church located in east Dallas, TX. As Senior Pastor, Dr. Bowie brings with him a prophetic anointing to see and cast the vision, the creativity to dream and believe God for the possibilities of the vision, and the boldness and courage to implement the vision.

Dr. Bowie has previously served as Senior Pastor of Love United Methodist Church in Houston, Texas, where he was responsible for rebuilding and revitalizing a church in a declining community. Under his six-year leadership, Dr. Bowie empowered Love UMC’s membership to grow from 100 to 800 through a culmination of providing pastoral care, prophetic teaching, counseling, and creating and implementing new programs. As a result, both the church and surrounding communities experienced life transformation and healing.

Dr. Bowie is returning to his home state of Texas after serving in ministry in Ohio for 10 years. While in Ohio, Dr. Bowie served as Teaching Pastor of Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church, in Tipp City from November 2004 to June 2008; he was responsible for sharing preaching responsibilities with the Lead Pastor to a congregation of over 5,000 members. Additionally, he gave strategic leadership and oversight to the men’s ministry, and to a Bible study that served over 250 participants weekly.  Dr. Bowie was instrumental in founding, and leading, the “Loving Dayton Initiative,” an urban outreach ministry in Dayton, OH that ignited a community and revitalized a dying, inner-city church. Through his visionary leadership, this initiative built a partnership and alliance between the local schools, the community, the families, and the local church, resulting in an increase of attendance from 40 to more than 400 at a local church.

Dr. Bowie was the first African American to serve as Lead Pastor of Stonybrook United Methodist Church, in Gahanna, OH, where the mission is to Love God, Love others and Serve the world.

On July 1, 2014, Dr. Bowie was appointed to St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church. St. Luke’s mission is to Reach up to God and out into the Community.

Dr. Mike Bowie and his wife Jeannette have been married over 20 years; together they have two children, Lauren and Trey. He holds a Doctorate of Ministry from United Theological Seminary specializing in church administration and congregational development, a Master of Divinity from Saint Paul School of Theology, graduating Cum Laude and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Texas Southern University.